As a carer, you will - sooner or later - come into a situation where you will have a disabled badge to use when you and your client use the car. Millions of disabled people use these and, depending on who you ask, you will get a different answer to your question about them every time. Here are some myths which you may not be aware of about these badges. It pays to be familiar with them and the repercussions that misusing them carry.
Myth: wheelchair users are the only people who can get a badge.
FALSE: Blue badges are not only for wheelchair users. There are many other reasons for obtaining a badge. Anyone with a mobility problem, including prosthetics and sight problems can get a badge. The rule is that anyone who cannot walk short distances is entitled to a blue badge.
Myth: Family and friends can use the same blue badge.
FALSE: Only the holder is entitled to use the blue badge. It cannot be handed over to a relative to get a better parking spot when they go shopping. The holder of the badge must be in the car at all times for it to be legal to use. The fine for misusing this badge is £1000 and confiscation of the badge, so it is not worth taking the risk.
Myth: Badge holders are allowed to park wherever they like.
FALSE: While holders of the blue badge have relaxed parking rules, they do not apply to off street car parks or private roads. You are allowed to park on single or double yellow lines but the maximum time limit is three hours. Safety lines at junctions are illegal for anyone to park on, even with a badge. Badge holders are also not allowed to park in loading bays. To park on private land, even a badge holder must have permission. If you are driving in London, you should check with the local council as restrictions are greater there.
Myth: badges can be provided by doctors.
FALSE: To get a badge, you must apply to your local authority. The family doctor is not able to do this. There is a questionnaire to complete before the badge will be approved.
Myth: A blue badge is for life.
FALSE: Don’t be caught out with this one. The badge is only valid for three years. After that you need to complete a renewal form. It is not automatically renewed. If you do not send in or deliver the form, the badge will become voided and you will need to start the process over again. You should keep a note of when to reapply.
While blue badges are very handy for parking close to things when you take your client out, it pays to be familiar with the myths because the fine for abusing them is huge and you will be the one who is asked to pay it, if you are responsible for losing it!