Whilst live in care is an extremely rewarding job and also one of the most satisfying jobs, it can also be an extremely stressful time for a live in carer. You will find ourself under constant pressure to adapt to someone else's routine, in a house which is not your own and with a client who at best is dependant on you for much of their time to a worst case scenario where you are totally absorbed by them and their needs.
Every live in carer starts out with enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards the job and new client. However, it will sometimes be hard to keep a positive attitude especially when you are dealing with constant demands perhaps from a client who has dementia who forgets that they have just called you to help them to the bathroom. Constant night calls will drain you until you have made better arrangements, and sometimes the general day to day routine will be very wearing.
There are some things you can do to help keep yourself sane!
Take Your Break!
Your break is a legal requirement which has already been arranged when your client was assessed. While situations will change with a client, your break needs must remain in place or be adapted. Definitely not eliminated! Don't be talked into staying with your client 'just this once'. This will happen and you will find it becoming a regular occurrence where you have no break and the client being with you all the time. Stand your ground on this one, go for a walk, sit outside, go and explore, but get out of the house!
Keep In Touch.
You might have a list of emails and phone numbers from other carers and this is a good time to contact them. Remember that they more than likely feel the same or have also been through a bad patch so they will know exactly what you are talking about. There is a certain amount of camaraderie between people who find themselves in similar situations. You are able to relate to them sometimes easier than to your own family. That being said, your family might well be the shoulder you need when you don't feel as positive as you would like. Keep in touch, just a short email every few days is all it takes.
Join a Carer Forum.
Here's a great way to see how other carers are faring. You will see that everyone has good days and not so good days and all have the same frustrations as you do. One point to be aware of here is that if you post a comment, you will receive many different replies on both ends of the scale! Carers are all individual with very definite points of view so be prepared to take the advice and ditch the adverse opinions! If you keep an open mind on a forum, you will find the help, support and advice you need. You will also find a warm embrace in times of need.