Travelling to your Caring Job
One of the questions which will spring into your mind after the initial excitement of being allocated a new client is how to get there....
Read more14/02/2017
In a recent survey it was shown that live in carers are twice as likely to become ill than other people.
Further statistics are startling, when we read that carers have a 23% higher risk of stroke than most!
36% of carers who do not get a regular break experience mental ill-health at some time, compared to 17% of carers who always get breaks of some kind.
There are some things that we as carers can do to ensure that we do not end up as one of these statistics!
Register with a GP: if you have registered with a GP, you will be more inclined to make an appointment if you need it. You should never be embarrassed to see your GP if you are not well.
Get a health check: once a year, ask your doctor for a check of blood pressure, pulse, heart rate and general well-being. Make a point of doing this every year, rather than leave it until you are rally ill. You can also do this through the Carers Federation Clinic at 0115 9629 310.
Get your Flu shot: carers can get these for free at any chemist or at your GP. This is a very important preventative measure when you are dealing with elderly or ill people.
Counselling is available: if you feel that you have no one to talk to, and things are getting you down more than you can cope, the Carers Federation in Nottingham is a phone call away. 'Let's talk Wellbeing' offers a range of therapy, should you need it.
Stress management: it is important that you recognise when you are under stress and find a way to deal with it. This may be by taking more exercise than you usually do. Yoga just needs a small area, and you may be able to do this in your room a few times a week. Most parish churches are open, should you want to talk to anyone there. Try to work out what triggers your stress, and work out a way to minimise it, so that it does not become to great for you to bear.
Eat right: sometimes we are so rushed with a client, that we don't eat properly ourselves. Try to change this, you are entitled to eat! If you are ill, you will not be able to take care of your client, so it is important that you take time to care for yourself as well as your client.
Caring is a very stressful job, without having to do it when you are ill. Never be wary of asking for help, if you need it. It is worth taking time to consider how you can keep well, while also paying attention to your spiritual and mental needs.