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Carebank Ltd Promises to Improve Services Following CQC Inspection


A Home Care Agency has promised to make improvements after Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors found flaws in its services.

CQC made an announced inspection at Carebank Ltd last April. The health watchdog examined the files of the care company and found concerns in three out of six mandatory standards.

Inspectors discovered that the Leighton Buzzard care company failed to meet its standards on patient medicine management. One MAR sheet for a patient prescribed with treatment of antibiotic did not specify dosage and frequency. CQC said this omission may potentially cause inappropriate administration of the medicine.

It was also noted by CQC that Carebank’s staff supervision was irregularly provided. Inspectors said they browsed through 6 staff files and found no indications the staff were given quarterly supervisions.

CQC also discovered the care company needs to change the way it assesses service provision. In particular, inspectors noted Carebank’s lack of a system to monitor and assess regularly the quality of service provided by their staff. CQC said this flaw may result to lack of appropriate protection from risk of unsafe patient care.

Despite their findings, CQC said that the above mentioned deficiencies have not seriously impacted patients and concluded that Carebank has met its standards and adequately guarded its patients from abuse.

Making a statement to the Leighton Buzzard Observer about the May 2014 CQC report, Colin Partridge, Carebank’s owner, apologised for their shortcomings. Partridge said he is determined that their services will exceed the minimum standards to support the people of Leighton Buzzard and surrounding areas.



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