Dementia Risk Factors Explored
Over 47 million people worldwide are afflicted with dementia, with one in 14 being affected in the UK who are aged 65 and older....
Read more22/08/2016
Even though the body's ability to absorb nutrients declines over time, a healthy diet is still essential at all stages in life. Carers, therefore need to be mindful with the meals they prepare for elderly clients.
Older people are far more prone to high cholesterol and heart disease than younger people and the risk of developing these diseases can be significantly reduced by following a healthy diet, and exercising where possible.
Unfortunately these days many seniors are overweight or even obese, and the will to maintain a healthy diet declines as they age.
High blood pressure plays a great part in many medical conditions such as heart attack and stroke, which are major causes of death in elderly people. Even a simple change like reducing salt intake can improve blood pressure.
Below are examples of foods which are beneficial and foods which are best avoided where possible.
Try to eat more of the following:
• vegetables and fruit
• whole grains (oatmeal and brown rice)
• legumes (dried beans, peas, lentils)
• fish especially oily fish such as salmon and mackerel
• calcium-rich foods (including low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese)
• unsaturated fats (vegetable oils, nuts and seeds)
• lean meat and poultry.
Try to eat less of the following:
• saturated fats (found in butter, ghee, lard, deli meats, bacon and sausages)
• trans fats (found in processed foods, cookies, cakes and deep fried foods)
• refined or enriched grains
• salt and sugar (including sugary drinks, jams, candies and baked goods)
Heart disease
In order to reduce the risk of heart disease older people should try to stop smoking and also cut down on saturated fats. Keeping gums and teeth in good condition and limiting alcohol is a good idea. Another factor to consider is reducing salt and sugar intake.
HDL (high density lipoprotein) is the good cholesterol, and LDL (low density lipoprotein) is the bad cholesterol because it increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
Try to reduce saturated fats and limit eggs to no more than 4 per week. Reduce consumption of liver and kidneys as well. A diet that is high in fibre will help to eliminate cholesterol from the body.
A Healthy Plate
As a rule a healthy plate will have low cholesterol foods which are cooked in little or no fat. Fill your plate with the following:
• one half colourful vegetables
• one quarter whole grain products, such as whole wheat pasta or brown rice, or a starch (potatoes or corn),
• one quarter meat, poultry, fish, tofu or legumes.
• Complete your meal with a piece of fruit or low-fat yogurt.
There are plenty of ways to add fruit and vegetables to a diet and here are some ideas:
• Add berries or sliced bananas on top of cereal.
• Add a green salad to your lunch.
• Grab an apple for an afternoon snack.
• Have two vegetables with dinner.
• Keep cut and ready-to-eat vegetables in the fridge.
• Add veggies to pizza, omelettes, pasta sauce and soups.
• Use frozen or low sodium canned vegetables.
• Add frozen fruit to yogurt. They are just as healthy as fresh!